Vietnam-Algeria Trade Seminar: Exploring Opportunities in Annaba Algeria

Annaba Algeria – A seminar was held on April 29, in the province of Annaba Algeria, to boost economic and commercial cooperation between Vietnam and Algeria.

Jointly organized by the Vietnam Trade Office in Algeria and the Annaba Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the event highlighted the potential for import-export cooperation and investment between the two countries.

During the seminar, the vice-president of the Provincial Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Annaba, Mohamed Biar, presented the economic potential of the province as well as investment opportunities in the areas of commerce, industry , agriculture and tourism.

In addition to the potential for commercial cooperation, Mohamed Biar expressed his hope that Vietnamese companies would invest in Annaba in areas such as fishing, aquaculture, mechanical manufacturing, tourism and processing of agricultural products.

Trade Advisor Hoàng Duc Nhuân spoke at the event, highlighting the longstanding friendship and diverse collaboration between Vietnam and Algeria. He expressed the desire to further advance bilateral trade and investment as well as positive political ties among the two nations.

Algerian companies have expressed keen interest in importing seafood such as pangasius, tuna and shrimp, as well as various equipment including trailers, steel profiles and railway equipment. They also wish to export agricultural products such as onions and garlic to Vietnam.

The discussions also focused on strategies to consolidate economic and trade relations in the future.

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