Sales made in 2023 on platforms like Vinted must appear on your tax return. However, below a certain amount, you are not taxable.
The 2023 income declaration campaign began on Thursday April 11, 2024. It is now possible to consult the information known to the tax administration in order to check whether it complies with your situation. If you sold items on Vinted, the tax authorities may not have passed on the amounts collected from the sale of clothing or other second-hand items. It is therefore important to know what to declare.
The 2023 income declaration campaign began on Thursday April 11, 2024. It is now possible to consult the information known to the tax administration in order to check whether it complies with your situation. If you sold items on Vinted, the tax authorities may not have passed on the amounts collected from the sale of clothing or other second-hand items. It is therefore important to know what to declare.

In certain cases, it is essential to declare the income obtained from the Vinted platform. This is the case if these amounts exceeded €3,000 or if you have carried out more than 20 transactions during the year. The amount of these transactions then does not matter, explains Numérama. In these cases, it is up to the platform to report the amounts to the tax administration.
Amounts sometimes not transmitted
However, “technical difficulties did not allow us to trace in the income declarations of certain users all the information transmitted by the platform operators concerning the operations and income achieved in 2023,” warned Bercy. It will therefore be necessary to fill the void, warns Capital.
According to the General Directorate of Public Finances (DGFiP), platforms were required to provide customers with a “a brief report of income generated by services conducted out during 2023” by January 2024. If this is not the case, this annual sales report is also present on the Vinted application and website.