Many times postponed, the motorcycle technical inspection has come into force since yesterday morning. The demonstration of the FFMC (Angry Bikers) on Saturday brought together several hundred bikers, in what looks like a last stand. However, the arguments of bikers who are hostile to motorcycle technical inspections are clear. In summary, they believe that the inspection is only superficial, because it is visual, apart from the pollution test. And so, it serves no purpose, “apart from bringing money into the state coffers,” they add.
They lose nothing by waiting, from April 2025, the control will be enhanced, with a noise test, via a sound level meter, and a celerometer to measure the speed of the scooters. Yes, scooters, because if the debate focuses on motorcycles, they are not the only vehicles that must now be controlled. “No, this concerns all motorized two-wheelers”, specifies Mustapha Abbou, manager of the Auto Sécurité center, boulevard des Vosges in Tarbes, “motorcycles of all engine sizes, scooters, mopeds, but even quads and unlicensed cars. »
Multiple checkpoints
Which will, in the end, make a few people, even if the control only concerns vehicles put into circulation after 1960, and until December 31, 2017. “Then, each year, the limit will advance by one year, to From next year, these will be the vehicles put into circulation until December 31, 2017, and so on…” The technical inspection is valid for a period of 3 years.
Even if it is only essentially visual, there are numerous checkpoints. And first the identification, that is to say checking if the serial numbers of the frame and the engine correspond to those on the registration document. Bad news for thieves and fences… “Then we check the The condition of the tires, all the lighting, the suspension, the braking system, fluid, discs and pads, and of course, for catalyzed engines, we measure the pollution, exactly like on a car. » Duration of the exam? About 30 minutes, and it costs €55. At least here, the legislator left freedom on prices, simply indicating that it had to be between €50 and €75. Against €75, still here, for a car. “For the moment, I have ridden 3 motorcycles today, without any problems noted. Generally, the motorcycles are well maintained. It will be more complicated for the scooters,” fears Mustapha.
They wanted to be the first!

Didier, who came as a neighbor to bring in his motorbike, a Honda 125, does not rail against this technical inspection. “Of course, it is expensive, but from a safety perspective, having a professional’s eye ensures that everything is functioning properly. » Like the other customers, it is the motorcyclist himself who installs his machine on the bench. “It is the choice that I made, I know that motorcyclists are attached to their motorcycle, and have difficulty lend it. » And that avoids possible problems in the event of a fall…
A few minutes later, he leaves again on the handlebars of his motorcycle, reassured… Like many others, who did not wait to have their motorcycle checked. At the Odos Technical Inspection center, no less than 29 appointments have been made this week ! Better yet, Mustapha testifies: “A biker made an appointment last week, he wanted to be the first, Monday morning at 8 a.m. But on Saturday, another called, he also wanted to be the first. He insisted, m even offered to pay more! I refused, but to please him, I opened at 7:30 a.m., and he was the first! » An anecdote which shows that motorcycle technical inspections are not that badly accepted…
Jesus Garcia, who manages Odos StratégieTechnique, on the road to Lourdes, was surprised to see the floor of the entrance to his company covered with a painted message. “No to motorcycle technical inspection”, signed by the FFMC , the French Federation of Angry Bikers. “Although it’s real and not a huge concern, the issue is that we are not involved in it and are not the ones enforcing the laws, then why attack us… Furthermore, if I hear the arguments of the FFMC, they say that the control is too succinct, and that it is therefore of no use. To believe that they want a stricter control! »