Actress Kirsten Dunst believes that when she misses her late grandmother her Grandma sends her a message from heaven and some time is the medium of delivery it comes to her as a beautiful hummingbirds. This tiny little birdie, as fast as it could be, has become a much highlighted symbol of Dunst’s life, exhibiting itself of in key events and giving some sense of comfort and jointness to her dear relative.
A friend who has companionship on that miserable day.
Besides acting, the 41-year-old’s bond with hummingbirds was on a day when she faced a lot of challenges. At a National magazine, People she netted that it was the very day of her grandmother’s death that hummingbird sat on her car. This hybrid has become something much more since then for Dunst. It is the memory of that hummingbird that she recognizes as the first of a series of signals that she believes is her grandmother speaking to her.
The first time this happened, many years ago, Dunst spotted a hummingbird in the park. Later, she witnessed it again in front of her house when she was experiencing a major crisis. Especially, on the famoues Los Angeles premier night of her film “Civil War”, a hummingbirsd distrabled her. Adding more gravity to this specific detail was the fact that the premiere happened in the former place of The May Company department store, which was the place where Dunst’s grandma used to work. through a People Magazine interview, Dunst told how she found herself a partner for the struggle, “she was with me.”
As a Hummingbird I am affiliated with my Granma’s home state

I have just witnessed another hummingbird at work. This time, it happened while shooting the “Fargo” TV series. The show is based in Minnesota as my grandmother comes from there. Whereas the filming took place, Dunst recollects one particular hummingbird performing atypically. She recounted the experience for the Los Angeles Times: “I was driving home from one of my friend’s houses and before my eyes there was a hummingbird in the middle of the street and it wouldn’t move. This hummingbird made me get out of my car and realize it was my grandmother sending me a sign.” This kind of unusual behavior had a strong emotional impact on Dunst and apparently was a sign from her grandmother.
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Be it the beliefs in the realm of the supernatural or not, the encounter with Dunst emphasizes the significance of personal symbols and lasting power of love that outsiders the limitation of the time and place. The hummingbird has become a symbol which means a lot to Dunst. She can perceive her grandmother`s presence through this bird as it helps her to connect and feel her somewhere around her.